Books and magazines on historical arms & armour, armies, troops, knights & other warriors etc.

… about Arms & offers titles by publishers like Osprey, VS-Books, Boydell & Brewer, Zeughaus and others, as well as books by authors like Mike Loades, Hagen Seehase, Ewart Oakeshott, Andreas Strassmeir, and many more.
Show 1 to 30 (of in total 101 products)
Baier: Krähen über Crécy
Shipping time: 2-3 Days
22,80 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Bartlett: English Longbowman 1330-1515
Recruitment, equipment, arms & armour, training, everyday life, and military service of the English longbow archer in the late Middle Ages
Shipping time: 2-3 Days
18,50 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Beßnitzer: Landshuter Zeughaus-Inventar
Verlagsfrischer, bibliophil ausgestatteter Faksimile-Reprint der Ausgabe Landshut 1498.
Shipping time: 2-3 Days
67,00 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Bishop: Roman Shields
The development, construction, and use of various Roman shield forms.
Shipping time: 2 Weeks
15,90 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Bishop: The Gladius
The Roman short sword. Development, use, impact.
Shipping time: 2-3 Days
18,90 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Bishop: The Pilum
The Roman Heavy Javelin.
Shipping time: 2-3 Days
18,90 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Bishop: The Spatha
The Roman Long Sword.
Shipping time: 2-3 Days
18,90 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Bradbury: The Medieval Archer
A study of the archer and his weapon from the 11th to the 15th century.
Shipping time: 2-3 Days
22,00 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Brunning: The Sword in Early Medieval Northern Europe
A wide-ranging study of the significance of swords throughout the whole Anglo-Saxon period.
Shipping time: 2-3 Days
72,00 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Cadek/Seehase: Böckler- und Löwlerkrieg
Bayerische Ritter, Landsknechte und Bauern im 15. Jahrhundert.
Shipping time: 2-3 Days
29,95 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Cernenko: The Scythians 700–300 BC
Arms, Armour, tactics of the famous horseback archers.
Shipping time: 2-3 Days
15,90 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Crombie: Archery and Crossbow Guilds in Medieval Flanders 1300-1500
First full study devoted to the archery and crossbow guilds which grew up in Flanders in the middle ages.
Shipping time: 2-3 Days
30,00 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Curry: The Hundred Years War 1337–1453
An illustrated overview of the Hundred Years War.
Shipping time: 2 Weeks
19,90 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Das Schwert – Gestalt und Gedanke / The Sword – Form and Thought – 2nd Edition!
Catalogue on the occasion of the special exhibition in the Deutsches Klingenmuseum from 26th September 2015 until 28th February 2016.
Shipping time: 1 Week
49,00 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Diehl/Donnelly: Belagert!
Mittelalterliche Belagerungstechniken anschaulich erläutert.
Shipping time: 2-3 Days
25,00 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Ellis Davidson: The Sword in Anglo-Saxon England
Hilda Ellis Davidson classic study of Early Medieval swords.
Shipping time: 2-3 Days
20,00 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Eschbach/Borin: Das Heer des Maximinus Thrax
Die römische Armee im frühen 3. Jahrhundert n. Chr.
Shipping time: 1 Week
39,95 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Esposito: Armies of the Hundred Years War 1337–1453
History, organizsation, weapons, equipment and tactics.
Shipping time: 2 Weeks
25,00 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Esposito: Renaissance Armies in Italy
Weapons, armour, organization, tactics, and more.
Shipping time: 2 Weeks
15,90 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Featherstone: Bowmen of England
The story of the English Longbow.
Shipping time: 2-3 Days
18,00 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Forgeng (ed.): Pietro Montes Collectanea
The Arms, Armour and Fighting Techniques of a Fifteenth-Century Soldier.
Shipping time: 2 Weeks
120,00 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Forgeng: The Book of Horsemanship by Duarte I of Portugal
First full translation of an important treatise on chivalric horsemanship. Hardcover edition.
Shipping time: 2 Weeks
60,00 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Forgeng: The Book of Horsemanship by Duarte I of Portugal PB
First full translation of an important treatise on chivalric horsemanship. Paperback edition.
Shipping time: 2 Weeks
44,00 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Fuhrmann: Der Deutschorden
Waffen & Heere 6
Shipping time: 2-3 Days
19,95 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Gómez: Die Templer
Heere & Waffen 1
Shipping time: 2-3 Days
19,95 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Grant: The Medieval Longsword
Development, use, and impact of the most iconic weapon of the Middle Ages.
Shipping time: 2-3 Days
18,90 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Herzer: Wehrpflichten und Heerfolge im Spätmittelalter
Shipping time: 2-3 Days
Our previous price 69,95 EUR Now only 59,95 EURyou save 14% / 10,00 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Hill/Freiberg: Krieger
Waffen und Rüstungen 800 bis 1500.
Shipping time: 2-3 Days
17,40 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Iselt/Fuhrmann: Tannenberg 1410
Heere & Waffen 7
Shipping time: 2-3 Days
19,95 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Jahrblatt 2015 der Interessengemeinschaft historische Armbrust
Yearbook 2015 of the German historical crossbow interest group
Shipping time: 2-3 Days
24,80 EUR
7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Show 1 to 30 (of in total 101 products)
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Premium Quality Pine Shafts 3/8
3/8 in. Pine, 95-100lbs. The shafts where straight, with no
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