Das Schwert – Gestalt und Gedanke / The Sword – Form and Thought – 2nd Edition!

Das Schwert – Gestalt und Gedanke / The Sword – Form and Thought – 2nd Edition!
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Das Schwert – Gestalt und Gedanke / The Sword – Form and Thought – 2nd Edition!
Das Schwert – Gestalt und Gedanke / The Sword – Form and Thought – 2nd Edition!
Das Schwert – Gestalt und Gedanke / The Sword – Form and Thought – 2nd Edition!
49,00 EUR
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Product no.: B-930315-017
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Catalogue on the occasion of the same named special exhibition in the Deutsches Klingenmuseum from 26th September 2015 until 28th February 2016. Edited and with contributions by Barbara Grotkamp-Schepers, Isabell Immel, Peter Johnsson, and Sixt Wetzler. Photos by Lutz Hoffmeister.

This high quality exhibition catalogue not only features excellent photographs and detailled descriptions of numerous historical swords, but also competent essays on the history, manufacture, and military and cultural importance of the weapon.

Swedish blade-smith and expert Peter Johnsson has produced true-to-scale drawings of each of the almost 50 featured sowrds, detailling the geometrical design of the weapons. He explains these geometrical design princliples of the Middle Ages at great length in an eassy. Further essays deal with the use of swords, their depiction in medieval art, the Fechtbuch traditions, the smithing processes, and further sword subjects.

A "must have" for every sword enthusiast!

Bi-lingual edition (German/English), soft cover, 192 pages, numerous full colour photographs, drawings, and other illustrations.

Please note: This is the catalogue of the exhibition "The Sword – Form and Thought". You can find the collection of essays from the conference of the same name here.

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