Bruchius: Of the Single Rapier

Bruchius: Of the Single Rapier
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22,00 EUR
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Lieferzeit: 2-3 Tage
Art.Nr.: B-9926735-81
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The only available modern edition of Grondige Beschryvinge van de Edele ende Ridderlijcke Scherm- ofte Wapen-Konste by Johannes Georgius Bruchius.

In 1671, Johannes Georgius Bruchius published the Grondige Beschryvinge van de Edele ende Ridderlijcke Scherm- ofte Wapen-Konste in Leiden, in the Netherlands. In his work, Bruchius described a style of rapier fencing that evolved from the teachings of Fabris. He presents this style through a brief explanation of the principles of fencing followed by 212 lessons.

Bruchius’ weapon was the rapier: a dangerous yet elegant sword of the 17th century. Its usage was dynamic and effective, with a focus on personal safety through controlling the opponent’s blade. Not only does this treatise discuss bladework by way of thrusts and parries, Bruchius teaches grappling and disarming techniques, and provides many solutions to common problems that occur during fencing practice.

Reinier van Noort first made a draft English translation of Bruchius’ treatise available in 2009. In this new book, he presents his fully reworked and improved English translation of this important treatise, along with a detailed biographical study on the fencing master Bruchius.

Reinier van Noort has been researching and teaching rapier fencing since 2010, focusing mainly on the single rapier as used in the Netherlands and Germany in the late 17th century. He has translated the anonymous Vechtboek (UBL BPL 3281), Jéann Daniel L’Ange’sDeutliche und gründliche Erklärung der adelichen und ritterlichen freyen Fecht-Kunst, Johann Georg Pascha’s Kurtze iedoch Deutliche Beschribung handlend von Fechten auff den Stoß und Hieb, and more. Reinier has been a member of HEMAC since 2010. He received a Best Researcher Award at the 2014 HEMA Scholar Awards.


  • Acknowledgements
  • About the translator
  • To the reader
  • Introduction
    • Translator’s notes
    • Endnotes for the Introduction
  • Thorough description of the Noble and Knightly Art of Fencing- or Weapon-Art
    • To the Reader
    • What Fencing or Fighting is, and how manifold are the same
    • Ode and Honourary Poem to the Author
    • Contents of the first book
    • Endnotes for the Translation
  • Appendix: A timeline of the life of Johannes Georgius Bruchius
    • Endnotes for the Appendix
  • Bibliography

Broschiert, 151 S., zahlr. Abb.


Errata: Of the Single RapierDownload0 B
A list of errors, corrections, improvements, etc. by the editor.

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